Aresbank’s Board of Directors is made up of renowned professionals in the fields of foreign trade and banking from both Spain and the bank’s partner countries.
Shareholder representatives and independent directors on the Board of Directors and its Committees play an active role in deciding Aresbank’s business strategies and activities and in the prudent management of its risks.
Ahmed A. Omar Ragib (Chairman)
Ahmed AA Elabbar (Acting Vice-Charmain)
Ahmed A. Otman Aldoughra (Non -Executive Director)
Javier Iglesias de Ussel y Ordis (Independent Director)
Antonio del Campo de los Santos (Independent Director)
Secretary of the Board
- Gabriel Gracia González (Non-member)
Javier Iglesias de Ussel y Ordis (Chairman)
Antonio del Campo de los Santos
Secretary of the Committee
- Gabriel Gracia González (Non-member)
Antonio del Campo de los Santos (Chairman)
Ahmed A. Omar Ragib
Ahmed AA Elabbar
Javier Iglesias de Ussel y Ordis
Secretary of the Committee
- Gabriel Gracia González (Non – member)
Javier Iglesias de Ussel y Ordis (Chairman)
Ahmed A. Omar Ragib
- Ahmed A. Otman Aldoughra
Antonio del Campo de los Santos
Secretary of the Committee
- Gabriel Gracia González (Non-member)